
It has certainly been a massive good news week all round here at the MBD studios. We started off the week by having #PRISOM showcased at the Not Games Fest in Cologne, progressed to having #Carnivast exhibited at the 2015 Electronic Literature Organisation's Conference in Bergen, and followed all this shininess with having the second Chapter of our "

What is a book, anyway? If players of the brooding computer game Dear Esther can consume a full-blown ghost story simply by wandering at will through a deserted island in Scotland's Hebrides (finding fragments of letters, music, and clues as they walk), shouldn't that be called a book? Critics can't seem to agree on a name for this new genre reflected in Inanimate Alice: multimedia online novels, ebooks, touchable TV, paratext, or technotext have all been used.

So here we are again having made it past hump-day, and I'm in the mood for another MBD update - just don't get rampantly addicted to these, as they depend entirely on whether I'm trapped in a workaholic timesink [I'm currently in such, but I'm also in lovely warm denial]. Let's whiz through this week's happenings at MBD Headquarters, shall we?

Amped about my imminent contributor copy arrival of Enter Mag's "Repurposing in E-Lit" Edition: the mag is so beautifully designed. Was sincerely a blast dead-tree-format-reimagining our VR code poetry app #Carnivast in such a way. For those of you who can't quite wait for a physical copy to hit the shelves, here's a taste of the edition itself: