Game design

It's certainly been a rollercoastery week [or dozen] here at MBD Headquarters, with "The Dead Tower" about to blast across the Electronic Literature stratosphere via the impending release of the Third Volume of the Electronic Literature Collection, our + Dreaming Methods' Transmedia/VR Project "Pluto" getting much Tumblr love after winning their 2015 International Award, and last [but in no way least] "

Away-stepping from tech for a long weekend and it seems 'sif the digital world continues to turn without me being in it [how *dare* it! ;)]. Anyhoo, just checking into the Studio and *BOOM!!* - excite-worthy announcements are now splathered all over the shop, including:
Transitio_MX06 is wrapping up as we speaktype, with #PRISOM having showcase-featured alongside such gobstonkingly great games as The Stanley Parable and Papers, Please.

ABOUT INDIEDEVKIT: We launched this site because the lack of expert information and transparency on marketing and operations topics pained us. You shouldn't have to rely on anecdotal information to make critical decisions for your studio or game launch. All our materials have been carefully created by our founders over months of vetting by other experts and official data sources.

It has certainly been a massive good news week all round here at the MBD studios. We started off the week by having #PRISOM showcased at the Not Games Fest in Cologne, progressed to having #Carnivast exhibited at the 2015 Electronic Literature Organisation's Conference in Bergen, and followed all this shininess with having the second Chapter of our "

The NOTGAMES FEST is an alternative games program to the mainstream events in Cologne taking place mid-August. The event is highly inspired by the NOTGAMES idea of Belgian interactive artists Tale of Tales and hosted by the Cologne Game Lab - Institute for Game Development and Research at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Heart piece to the festival is its unique approach to the public (dis)play of games.