Digital fiction
Perpetual Nomads is now available in Early Access Release! This innovative Virtual Reality Experience, coproduced by Mez Breeze Design and BradField Narrative Designs, is the next installment of the award-winning interactive story Inanimate Alice. First established in 2005, Inanimate Alice features the world traveling character Alice in her various adventures. The series is highly regarded in the digital fiction sphere and used in classrooms globally.

So there's certain news tidbits that I should've been rabidly noting down here lately [think: this, that, and the other], but due to deadline insanity and crazyhuge workloads, instead I've found myself in a-neglect-my-blog rut...
…until now.
I'm the very definition of thrilled [look it up in the dictionary: betcha there's one o' my Virtual Reality avatars sitting there looking right smug] to be showing three Virtual Reality works at this 2017 International Festival of Virtual Reality hosted by the cultural association "

Have we mentioned that two of our projects, All the Delicate Duplicates and the Beta version of Inanimate Alice: Perpetual Nomads have made the shortlist for this Prize? No? Well you better go visit here to have a look-see [and feel free to sling us - or some of the other fab entries - a vote for the People's Choice Award if you're feeling click-generous].

Seems it's turning out to be hellova year here, and we're only 4 months in. So far in 2017, here at MBD we've had Digital-Fiction-Award-shortlisted projects, and honorable mentions, and theorising all over the MDB shop: most of which have been centered on the release of "All the Delicate Duplicates", on which we hit the big red Steam publish button in February.

Well, ain't this grand? Episode 6 of Inanimate Alice, "The Last Gas Station", has received an Honourable Mention in the Electronic Literature Organisation's 2016 Robert Coover Prize:
"The Robert Coover Award for a Work of Electronic Literature is an award given for the best work of electronic literature of any length or genre. Bestowed by the Electronic Literature Organization and funded through a generous donation from supporters and members of the ELO, this $1000 annual prize aims to recognize creative excellence.