
So now that you're getting used to a MBD update mid-week....SURPRISE! Let's mix-it-up-a-tad and slot one into the Monday mix [this could be the last for a while, as that workaholic mode is gonna be revved up high for the foreseeable future - so let's go at it full pelt, shall we?]:
Locking in the interview date/time for "

So here we are again having made it past hump-day, and I'm in the mood for another MBD update - just don't get rampantly addicted to these, as they depend entirely on whether I'm trapped in a workaholic timesink [I'm currently in such, but I'm also in lovely warm denial]. Let's whiz through this week's happenings at MBD Headquarters, shall we?

Alright, so this week - although only being officially half-over - has contained some absolute gems in the rampant-excitement-department: let's quickly cycle through em, shall we?
#PRISOM has been delightfully analysed in "Thinking Through Digital Media", a book that: "...offers a means of conceptualizing digital media by looking at projects that think through digital media, migrating between documentary, experimental, narrative, animation, video game, and live performance.

After a discussion 3 days ago covering similar conceptual territory during a Pluto game dev session, this article really does target-resonate:
"Stepping into games is like arriving at a cheese-tasting party where most of the crowd is angrily murmuring that cheddar and swiss are always and objectively the best cheeses on grounds of utility and pleasure, that assholes offering a plate of mold-laced bleu are an affront to any real cheese-lover, that brie may simply be too soft to be a real cheese.