
Have we mentioned that two of our projects, All the Delicate Duplicates and the Beta version of Inanimate Alice: Perpetual Nomads have made the shortlist for this Prize? No? Well you better go visit here to have a look-see [and feel free to sling us - or some of the other fab entries - a vote for the People's Choice Award if you're feeling click-generous].
The QUT Digital Literature Award showcases innovation and creativity in storytelling for digital media, and new directions in contemporary literary practice informed by technology. This Award is open to all original works of digital literature (e.g. fiction, non-fiction, poetry, graphic narrative) which are purpose-designed for digital consumption.
Source: 2017 guidelines (Queensland Literary Awards)

It has certainly been a massive good news week all round here at the MBD studios. We started off the week by having #PRISOM showcased at the Not Games Fest in Cologne, progressed to having #Carnivast exhibited at the 2015 Electronic Literature Organisation's Conference in Bergen, and followed all this shininess with having the second Chapter of our "

Yes folks, all is finally revealed: after months of painstaking assessment, we're happy to announce the 2014 New Media Writing Prize Shortlist. The list is chock full of some pretty amazing projects [such as 3D and 2D textual games, geolocative based treasure hunts, engaging browser works and velvety-smooth mobile based narratives].
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the The NMWP [as us judges have fondly come to call it], this friendly sound-byte description should bring you right up to speed: "

We're blisteringly pleased to inform you all that Pluto, our latest game based transmedia project with Dreaming Methods, has been shortlisted for The Space's Open Call Competition. Out of a field of approximately 600 submissions, our project has made the grade. The next step is working with our designated Associate Producer, Maria Bota, to further develop our proposal.