
It's been a good long while since I've had the time to update y'all on shenanigans here at Mez Breeze Design and believe me, the shenanigans have been lapping at a brimmingly-high-level with oodleloads of events, creative works and projs both happening and in the pipe. So I'm breaking out of this time-imposed CoS [Cone of Silence] to let you fine folks know about just two such events for now [nuthin' like leaving you hanging on the others, huh], both of which involve the Electronic Literature Organisation.

So there's certain news tidbits that I should've been rabidly noting down here lately [think: this, that, and the other], but due to deadline insanity and crazyhuge workloads, instead I've found myself in a-neglect-my-blog rut...
…until now.
I'm the very definition of thrilled [look it up in the dictionary: betcha there's one o' my Virtual Reality avatars sitting there looking right smug] to be showing three Virtual Reality works at this 2017 International Festival of Virtual Reality hosted by the cultural association "

So having entertained some debatable claims about extremes, we can now turn to the far more interesting middle space...we find works like Mez Breeze's ][][_, Talan Memmott's Lexia to Perplexia, and my own Under Language, where scriptonic expression fuses with the vocabulary and syntax of computational code.
Source: Microsoft Word - Moulthrop - Intimate Mechanics ELO 2016.

Well well well…I've been waiting for this mysterious parcel to show up for a while now, and it in no way disappoints. Consider the below a type of "visual unboxing" [or actually, an "unparceling"] of the latest in our "Rumors of My Death" project. This intricately beautiful remixed+remashed book offers the following by way of its official introduction:

For years, early adopters have presented the Inanimate Alice series to their students, capturing their imaginations and inspiring them to create their own versions of the story. Despite all the inefficiencies of browser/wifi access, those teachers have visited and revisited the site, time and again. They have been rewarded through extraordinarily high levels of student engagement.