Digital fiction

2019 has been the year of peaks and troughs. I've forged incredible new career paths and wrestled wild learning curves. I've also been lucky enough to connect to sparkly new colleagues and peers [some of which now fall into the collaborator, and friend, categories]. I've also dealt with a fair share of sadness and loss [as we all have I'm sure, so I won't go into extended detail, but I will say that having a colleague/friend battle and lose extended mental illness struggles has been profoundly affecting].

Yep, consider the above title a lame attempt at summarising some of the news from my studio-neck-of-the-woods. There's just *so* *dang* *much* going on right now [both here + on the global stage too, right? In fact, in relation to what's more worthy of your attention, you're probably better off reading this or this than you are the below, but I appreciate snatching some o' ur eyeballish real-estate for a minute or two if you do choose to read on].

So again I find myself in the middle of an excitement-propelled update of all things Perpetual Nomads, which has been powering along on exhibiting, showcasing and archiving fronts. Here's 3 of the latest newsworthy gigs Perpetual Nomads is currently [or soon to be shown] at:
For lucky Canadians, Fraser Valley Regional Library is today launching the first of three initiatives for library audiences to experience our Perpetual Nomads VR Adventure in its entirety at library locations in Delta, Maple Ridge and Abbotsford, using the HTC Vive VR system to immerse participants in the world.

It's been a good long while since I've had the time to update y'all on shenanigans here at Mez Breeze Design and believe me, the shenanigans have been lapping at a brimmingly-high-level with oodleloads of events, creative works and projs both happening and in the pipe. So I'm breaking out of this time-imposed CoS [Cone of Silence] to let you fine folks know about just two such events for now [nuthin' like leaving you hanging on the others, huh], both of which involve the Electronic Literature Organisation.

We're positively chuffed here at Mez Breeze Design Headquarters to report that Elliot Hu-Au, a reporter from the publication "Virtual Reality in Education", has taken the time to review our VR Experience Perpetual Nomads. It's a great review which includes such gems as:
"Perpetual Nomads is an immersive and visually impressive short story that contains great potential for discussions on technology and human behavior.