Game design

Yep, consider the above title a lame attempt at summarising some of the news from my studio-neck-of-the-woods. There's just *so* *dang* *much* going on right now [both here + on the global stage too, right? In fact, in relation to what's more worthy of your attention, you're probably better off reading this or this than you are the below, but I appreciate snatching some o' ur eyeballish real-estate for a minute or two if you do choose to read on].

Seems it's turning out to be hellova year here, and we're only 4 months in. So far in 2017, here at MBD we've had Digital-Fiction-Award-shortlisted projects, and honorable mentions, and theorising all over the MDB shop: most of which have been centered on the release of "All the Delicate Duplicates", on which we hit the big red Steam publish button in February.

ABOUT INDIEDEVKIT: We launched this site because the lack of expert information and transparency on marketing and operations topics pained us. You shouldn't have to rely on anecdotal information to make critical decisions for your studio or game launch. All our materials have been carefully created by our founders over months of vetting by other experts and official data sources.

After a discussion 3 days ago covering similar conceptual territory during a Pluto game dev session, this article really does target-resonate:
"Stepping into games is like arriving at a cheese-tasting party where most of the crowd is angrily murmuring that cheddar and swiss are always and objectively the best cheeses on grounds of utility and pleasure, that assholes offering a plate of mold-laced bleu are an affront to any real cheese-lover, that brie may simply be too soft to be a real cheese.