
19 Oct

Freeplay + ACMI's 2015 Parallels Indie Game Showcase

So I can finally now officially let another embargo-cat-out-of-the-squirming-news-bag: Pluto is part of this fabbo Freeplay Independent Games Festival Showcase! Andy Campbell and I will be presenting exclusive in-game footage at this stellar event. As the official press-blurb says: "Come to PARALLELS 2015 on October 24 at 7.30pm, where Freeplay and ACMI will be presenting the best, weirdest, and most exciting Australian independent games at our Showcase event.
5 Oct

#Provocare Hard Launch + Assorted Announcement Goodness

Away-stepping from tech for a long weekend and it seems 'sif the digital world continues to turn without me being in it [how *dare* it! ;)]. Anyhoo, just checking into the Studio and *BOOM!!* - excite-worthy announcements are now splathered all over the shop, including: Transitio_MX06 is wrapping up as we speaktype, with #PRISOM having showcase-featured alongside such gobstonkingly great games as The Stanley Parable and Papers, Please.
15 Jul

New Free Pluto Development Journal Available Now

Andy and I have bitten the documentation bullet and started a Pluto Development Journal here. So far we've covered: Delicate Development - Building Pluto Pluto Flyby [a Pluto gameworld flythrough]: #PlutoGame Evolution Snippets Pluto and the Distortion of Time [which almost sounds like the title of a Doctor Who Episode, huh.] Expect much more over the coming months.