
31 Mar

No Legacy: Literatura Electronica Opening Symposium

Well worth the watch [+ happy to learn from this Symposium that when completed, my own Duke Uni/David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library archive will sit alongside those of Judy Malloy, Stephanie Strickland, and Rob Kendall: such amazing companions].
22 Mar

All Buzzy on the MBD Update Front

Firstly, I need to offer a sincere and abject apology for bastardising adapting the phrase All Quiet On the Western Front for the title above, but given the contents of this better-late-then-never-catchup on all things MBDish, it certainly fits. Second up, this: PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO.