3 Dec

Art Monthly's Dec/Jan Feature: 'Glitch Poetics'

In our hypermediated world, how have artists such as Caroline Bergvall, Mez Breeze, Erica Scourti and Ryan Trecartin utilised glitches to reveal language itself to be an embodied medium? Source: Art Monthly : Magazine : Issue : 392 Dec-Jan 15-16
16 Nov

New Media Art in Humanities Research

Today the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art at Cornell, which Murray still curates, is one of the world's most significant collections of new media art—artwork produced on portable or web-based digital media, as well as multimedia artworks that reflect digital extensions of aesthetic developments in cinema, video, installation, photography, and sound. Along with the works themselves, the archive collects documentation of digital-related art (video art and some early forms of sound art that are analog in nature) and electronic art.
19 Oct

Freeplay + ACMI's 2015 Parallels Indie Game Showcase

So I can finally now officially let another embargo-cat-out-of-the-squirming-news-bag: Pluto is part of this fabbo Freeplay Independent Games Festival Showcase! Andy Campbell and I will be presenting exclusive in-game footage at this stellar event. As the official press-blurb says: "Come to PARALLELS 2015 on October 24 at 7.30pm, where Freeplay and ACMI will be presenting the best, weirdest, and most exciting Australian independent games at our Showcase event.
5 Oct

#Provocare Hard Launch + Assorted Announcement Goodness

Away-stepping from tech for a long weekend and it seems 'sif the digital world continues to turn without me being in it [how *dare* it! ;)]. Anyhoo, just checking into the Studio and *BOOM!!* - excite-worthy announcements are now splathered all over the shop, including: Transitio_MX06 is wrapping up as we speaktype, with #PRISOM having showcase-featured alongside such gobstonkingly great games as The Stanley Parable and Papers, Please.
1 Oct

"\oriGaM[e,]i[,+ U]/" Published in Cordite: UMAMI Issue

Swoony: that's the feel-good-term I'll use for being notified that one of my fav codeworks [or code poems, if you will] has just been published as part of a Special Issue cooked up by Cordite Poetry Review and The Lifted Brow [who'll publish their half in mid-October, which will feature textual remixes, visual illustrations, songs, and gamified versions of some of the poems that feature in the Cordite issue].